Sunday, May 2, 2010

April 30, Friday

Was too tired to make this post on Friday so here it is today (i still count this as saturday...although i'm still pretty tired from work i really wanted to make this post =p) 

So here in Canada students have till May 1st to confirm college acceptances and being one of those students I didn't want to wait till the last minute. I got these acceptances months ago so why did I wait till the last minute to reply you ask? Simple. I couldn't choose which program to go into. 

I was accepted in both Graphic Design at one college and Interior Decorating at another. It was really hard for me to decide since i didn't know much about interior decorating and there were some courses in graphic design I didn't really like. Since I had school as well it didn't leave for much time to actually think about it. 

Well anywayz enough background info. So yesterday (since I'm treating today still as saturday) I wanted to get it done since I had work today, i sat my butt down and thought really really hard on which I should choose and in the end I finally chose one and I hopefully won't regret it. As much as I want to tell you which one I chose I can't since one of my friends wants it to be a surprise and find out in September. Since she may actually read this post I'll keep it a secret until September or late August. I'll post a response post to it then *writes down memo*.

So that was the first awesome thing of Friday, the second was I finally got me new phone!!! Some may find it too big and bulky and not that good but I love it lots ^^ I got the LG BL40 also known as the Chocolate Touch. 

After using it for a day I think i've got a hang of the phone and I'm pretty happy with my phone. Still trying to figure some stuff out but those are like minor things. 

That's all i'm gonna post...I can feel the start of a major headache.


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